Home FAMILY 6 Benefits Of Using a Feeding Pillow

6 Benefits Of Using a Feeding Pillow

6 Benefits Of Using a Feeding Pillow

If you are a new mother,you must have gone through nine months of pregnancy,hours of labor, Restless evenings, poopy diapers, colic, re-flux – your life will all of a sudden spin around these words. What’s more, bear in mind breastfeeding! breastfeeding is very important for your baby but there are many elements that can transform the breastfeeding act into a bad dream. Here are a couple of them. You shouldn’t be panic about it and please note most women have no difficulty feeding their baby. But if you do find the going tough, help is always at hand!

  • Bad latch
  • Inadequate supply
  • Bad posture
  • Cracked nipples
  • Thrush
  • Back pain
  • Mastitis

What Is A Feeding Pillow?

Feeding pillows also called nursing pillows,usually it comes in a U-shape and go around your waist to provide relief to your back, neck, spine and arms.and its not only for breastfeeding moms. this can be used for moms who use formula feeding too.

If you have decided to buy a feeding pillow or a nursing pillow this could make your life little easier 

Using a Feeding Pillow

1) Need a Quite spot.

Breastfeeding is the time to bond with your baby. The last thing you need is any distraction! So, turn off that television and find a quite spot to feed your baby.

2) Put The Pillow in Place

Place your pillow properly around your waist, with the backrest (if any) towards your back.

3)Set the Height

Once you are comfortable with the height of the pillow, fasten the belt or Velcro securely.

4)Be Comfortable

Most feeding pillows come with adjustable straps. Use them to make sure the pillow fits snugly.

5)How to Feed Your Baby

Its time to sit down with your baby’s head on the pillow. This posture will help your baby latch on properly.Also You can use the pillow to bottle feed your baby. The steps will be the same.

What are the Benefits of  using a Feeding Pillow.

Here are a few benefits of using a feeding pillow ,other than providing back relief 

1) Makes Pregnancy Easier

Using nursing pillow even before your baby born is possible. You can use it as a back support to make the last trimester of your pregnancy a little less painful. 

2) Helps Baby Get a Fine Latch

The main function of the pillow is to bring your baby closer to your body. This is very important if you want your little one to get a good latch. A good latch will enable a pain-free good feeding sessions.

3)Causes You to Recover From a C-segment

As said before, a nursing pillow can be an incredible alternative in the event that you are recovering from a c-section. It ensures the incision site and encourages it recover quicker.

4) Works as Support For Your Baby Up

Not only feeding your baby.Feeding pillows were originally designed to help your baby sit-up also When your baby is ready or about 4-6 months old, you can use feeding pillow as a support and teach your baby the joy of sitting up.

5) Makes Muscles Stronger

By placing your baby on her tummy on the pillow will encourage her to use her arms and legs, making his or her muscles stronger.

6) Relief From Re-flux

Many babies do suffer from re-flux and colic. If you feed your baby without propping her up properly, these problems can become even worse.A feeding pillow can help prop up the baby and prevent re-flux, colic and other gastrointestinal problems.

Any disadvantages?

Here are a few issues you may experience while using your feeding pillow.

  • Utilizing the pillow can demonstrate counterproductive on occasion. Your infant may think that its hard to latch while on the pad. A bad latch can cause sore nipples. 
  • You might end up with back pains due to your feeding pillow due to large portion of us tend to lean forward while feeding our babies. 
  • Feeding pillows come in standard sizes and may not fit you. This can make looking for the correct pillow a hassle. 
  • You can’t utilize your Pillow while outside. Most Feeding pillows are big and carrying them along while you shop isn’t a easy task.


CHHANDITA CHAKRAVARTY. 2017. /benefits-of-feeding-pillow. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.momjunction.com/articles/benefits-of-feeding-pillow_00105230/#gref. [Accessed 17 October 2017].


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