Home NEW BORN Why do i need to burp my baby?

Why do i need to burp my baby?

Why do i need to burp my baby

What is a burp !!

A burp can be defined as the release of gas bubbles up the esophagus and out of the mouth. Furthermore these gas bubbles can be also released out by the other end of your little bundle with different noises and smell. Some burps can be categorized in to wet burps which bring up some of the stomach contents with the burp. 

Why do you need to burp your baby !!

Baby burping could be a vital factor at each feeding. because once your baby drinks, she or he can’t help but swallow somewhat air along with the breast milk. so burping baby is crucial to avoid her feel uncomfortable and full even before she’s really finished eating, from having air bubbles stuck in her tummy. Through burping baby can bring up any additional air that’s accumulated is such a vital a part of the feeding process. Baby burps are cute and they even have a purpose. short belches release air trapped in your baby’s stomach, creating him more comfortable and less fussy. burping additionally frees up area in your baby’s tummy thus he will settle in and feed longer.In addition since We do not know how much air gets in their little stomachs,it is a good idea to burp the babies even if they do not get to the fussy stage.

3 main ways babies get gas in their bellies.

  • Digestion – Certain types of foods in the large intestine by bacteria will naturally generate gas. This could be because of the food that baby consumes as well as mother consumes and passes on in her breast milk. According to the National Institutes of Health, foods that contain carbohydrates are more likely to cause gas.
  • Swallowing air –This situation can be occurred due to when babies drink from a bottle, they certainly swallow some air which goes in to their tummies along with the milk or formula. This could happened more often for bottle fed babies.
  • Due to an Allergic reaction.


  • On your shoulder –  Hold your baby firmly against your shoulder. Support her bottom with one hand, and pat or rub her back with the other.
  • Face-down on your lap – Place your baby tummy-down across your lap (her stomach will be on one of your legs, her head on the other, turned sideways). With one hand securely holding baby, pat or rub her back with the other.
  • Sitting up – Hold your baby in a seated position on your lap, leaning slightly forward. Support baby’s head and chest with one arm while you pat or rub with the other.
  • Walking – Once your baby has good head control, you can try holding her upright in front of you, facing out, while you stand and walk. Put one hand under her bottom and the other arm across her tummy to apply light pressure. The motion may help give an additional release of any trapped air bubbles.


  • If your bottle feeding burp your baby every 2 to 3 ounces (60 to 90 ml).
  • If your breastfeeding, burp when you switch from one breast to the other to make room for more milk.

Source (whattoexpect.com,2017)


  1. Its always better to Keep a cloth, diaper or bib handy in case baby spits up.
  2. Protect your clothes by always keeping a burp cloth or bib between your outfit and baby’s mouth.
  3. A gentle pat or rub may get the burp up for most babies, but some need a slightly firmer hand.
  4. Focus more on the left side of baby’s back, which is where the stomach is located.


parents. 2017. baby-burping-what-to-know. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.parents.com/baby/care/burping/baby-burping-what-to-know/. [Accessed 25 July 2017].

whattoexpect. 2017. how-to-burp-your-baby. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/baby-care/how-to-burp-your-baby/. [Accessed 25 July 2017].


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